Saturday, July 26, 2008

No ground beneath my feet

I have just resigned from my firm in a span of just 6 months. Many people ask me, "Why did you do it"? Their typical reaction - "You should have stuck it out for 6 more months and then quit after an year was over." Work environment, that's it. Is that your sole reason for leaving?

Shouldn't that be a big reason for leaving? If the people around you make you feel like a forgotten piece of furniture. If the work that you do makes you feel that your brain died a long time and its just some automated commands that are doing their job day in and day out. Then shouldn't sit up and ask yourself, what the hell are you doing with your life? Is it really important then to look how long you have survived and for how much longer can you brag the "survivor" tag and show it off.

Instead you should start looking for a new job before you become a poor imitation of your former self. That's what i decided to do. For the six months that i spent working in this firm, 5 were spent looking for other alternatives. I have found one as of now but whether it works out or not is yet to be seen.

So now that i have no ground beneath my feet, i m looking at ways to keep myself busy. I have been thinking of becoming a radio jockey since a very long time. But i have done nothing about it except to talk to myself infront of a mirror and pretend that i have an audience listening to me and appreciating the music that i play for them.

Alas, the search of groundless feet still continues.

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