Monday, August 4, 2008

Ordinariness, Mundaneness, Mundanity

Mediocrity! That is something which i have been thinking for some time now. Recently i came across a few people who were known to me and who have gone on to make a name for themselves (big "names" for that matter). This made me ponder. Ponder hard. If i lead a seemingly normal life wherein i continue following a path which has been oft tread before (path would be going to the office, doing the work allotted to me, following the one or two hobbies that i have, spending time with friends n family) make me an average person. How do i step out of this mediocrity and be associated with something different, something which me makes me appear unlike the others in the crowd that i inhabit? Its a deep craving wherein i want to achieve something which is not ordinary and sundry. A pinching feeling actually which rubs in at the most unexpected of times.
So have i done anything in this direction? Not as of now. I watch this feeling rise whenever i come across another success story and ebb whenever i fall back into my daily routine. In the meanwhile i continue searching for directions and trying to make my life more meaningful than what it is.
Also, an association with very hard to find and connect to - "intellect" is also desired.

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