Saturday, May 21, 2016


I wish we had never met. I wish that you had never responded to my messages. Why did you have to remind me about what desire felt like? Why did you have to show so much interest in me? Why does distance have such a big role to play between two individuals? Why does distance have to determine the course of the future? Why can't you and I unite under the open sky and walk as one? It is unfair that I pine for your attention whilst you drink away with somebody else. Your melodious voice still rings in my ears. I long to hear your voice again. Why did you always have to call me an hour too late? An hour which is so difficult to spend now. I had forgotten what this fever had felt like. What this unending pulsation of the heart had felt like. I threw you off but I can also cushion your fall. If only you would give me the chance to do so. Why did you have to paint those words into my head? I can forget the voices, forget the names, forget the faces but these words stick. These words have occupied the vacant space in my head. These tenants won't vacate so easily. This languish does not leave me. It has me in in thrall of you. What do I do about songs in my head? The songs that I wanted to play for you. What do I do about the smile that came on my face with the mere mention of your name? What do I do about the longing desire to run my fingers on the nape of your neck. Yes, I m good with my hands. And they ache to act. I am smitten. And I had forgotten what it felt like to be like this.

Alas! I continue to burn.

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